Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Just Blogging Out Loud

Panic. Eye contact. Strangers. String. Physical Intimacy (Emotional). And we still need - what? - five more? - three more?

Panic is first. No questions there. But how should the rest of them connect?

String is its own thing - can't see the connecting point for that yet. Eye contact and Strangers - those two could go together nicely. I think Eye Contact would/should be first - then Strangers.

If Physical Intimacy (which ends up pretty violent) leads to Emotional Intimacy (which is the only soothing one we've worked on) -- those two should be last. Leave the audience with some little comfort - some somthing after 60 minutes of fear and squirming.

So - what else? Fear of Heights - Going Blind - Throwing Up - some sort of object fear? - still need five/three. And then they need to bleed together - make some sense - have some reason to follow one after the other (or at least in my mind they do)

I have no idea what I'm going to to with this MP3 player. It's a gadget. I love gadgets - or I covet them (which is almost the same thing). I don't know. It's a handy dandy thing to have around the house - like a hammer or spare batteries or a grill or a pair of pajamas.

I suppose I'll let it sit in its box for a bit - until it gets comfortable in my cluttered little world.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Can't wait to hear the whole album. I admit I've been out of it - I didn't even know they had a new cd coming out until I saw it listed on the LivePlasma site. Pretty cool. Love all those whirligigs and orbits and planetoids they use for each artist - although some of the artists they put next to each other...questionable...I'm not so sure about that. That part of the site might want to be refined a bit. But maybe I'm just saying that because they had Coldplay practically sitting in the White Stripes lap. Huh? Now, I don't want to hear a bunch of people leaving comments, defending that seating arrangement...'Clocks' was a good song, thank you for that one, it will be in many a movie trailer from now until Doomsday, it's over, stage left, exit, good night, Gracie...

Well, Americans:
What, nothin' better to do?
Why don't you kick yourself out?
You're an immigrant too.

Who's usin' who?
What should we do?
Well you can't be a pimp
And a prostitute too

I love The White Stripes. Great lyrics.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

And I Must Say...

I am so happy for Sarah (of Josh's girlfriend fame)...she got into Pericles @ Mad Cow Theatre!!!

Flim-Flam, Mix-Match, Razzle-Dazzle, Mish-Mash, Hokum and Humbug, Say Hey and Abracadabra

That Hawaii video was...well, maybe my attention span is just atrophied but I needed...I don't know...a car crash...a flying dog...a lightsaber duel...the severe use of an asp. YouTube is great and funny and all those wonderful things that it is...but sometimes it's like watching somebody else's home movies...

It was interesting to read about Creative Commons - a handy dandy thing to know about. Not that there's anybody using my likeness on a poster...at least I don't think there is. Maybe I should check.

From last week - let's see: Traineo (interesting), Dogster and Catster (unsettling - but I know that it's probably in my DNA to be just as unsettling about a pet...so I won't judge...too much...or too harshly), Blufr (kinda cool), Chugged (of course), Bottletalk (not as snotty as I assumed), The Puzzle Player (I loath Crosswords...but I told my Dad about the site...he loved it)

As for my hobby...I already have some links up on this page leading to the wedsites of several of the local theatres in town. For better or worse...that's my hobby (I don't know why I still haven't made my peace with that - like I stole someone's model train kit or stamp collection or something)

And speaking of treading the boards - I'm going to be in a production this July. With Empty Spaces (a company who I worked for before - performing both Oedipus The King and Ubu Roi - check out their site - click the link and find picture of me dressed as Queen Rosemund in Ubu and wearing burlap, bones, mud, dirt, and a pair of black Hanes in a tribal Oedipus). This piece - piece....'piece'...doesn't that almost make you want to throw up in your mouth a little...'the piece, this piece'...well...it hasn't been written...yet. It's a dance/movement piece (see you have to say piece instead of play...it's, like, the theatrical law or something) about Phobias. So, there's five weeks or so to get into shape and learn the series of movements/dance parts/set ups...that will make up this exploration into this dark subject....oh, did I mention that this is gonna be pretty deep-end-of-the-pool-highly-emotional-sweaty-draining-yet-hopefully-satisfying type of theatre. I sorry, I hyphenate because I don't have the...lexicon, the language, the vocabulary, the words-on-my-tongue-and-at-my-fingers.

But much sooner than all of this Phobias business, I'm in a FREE (keyword: FREE) play reading at Theatre Downtown this upcoming Tuesday night. You can check Theatre Downtown's site to get their address to MapQuest them - but it's pretty easy. They are on the corner of Princeton and Orange, right off I-4. The reading is June 12th. It's FREE. That's FREE. So FREE. No hidden charges. The play is called Maria 19 and it's a romantic comedy about a guy (ME) who meets a woman a at speed dating event (called, in the play ThirtyDates) and falls in love with her...or the idea of her...I mean, can you really get to know someone in three minutes?...

Here's the blurb for the show:

Orlando writer John Minbiole will premiere his first play Maria 19 on
June 12 at 8pm at Theatre Downtown in a public reading.

The cast includes Theatre Downtown veterans Daniel Cooksley, Jennifer
Gannon and Derek Ormond. The reading will be free and open to the
public. {umm, my name's not in the blurb but that's okay - it's not really a NAME-Name type name anyway}

Maria 19 is a comedy about the modern-day phenomenon of speed-dating,
and the awkwardness and comic moments that go along with it. Tom
meets Maria at a speed-date, and he catches a vibe. But who is she?
Can you really know someone in three minutes?

After the reading there will be a talkback session with the actors
and the writer.

So, that's it. That's MY hobby. I hope that some of you will come out and give this really funny play a listen and some of your feedback.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Play That Thing

Looking through this week's websites was really kinda fun. It's soothing to know that the closest Plymouth Duster for sale is in Wisconsin. Wisconsin - what kind of a state is that? Is anyone from there? What are the people like (other than the people who want to unload a cherry red and licorice black Plymouth Duster)?

Wikimapia was really interesting - I totally felt like low rent CIA - checking out my Mom and Dad's house near the Jacksonville Airport and my sister's place in Atlanta. I got a little lost looking for my other frined up in Bronxville = I think I ended up in Wisconsin, actually. Badgers, right. That's their college team, right? Badger State. Red and white (and cherry red and licorice black). Badger? Why not a Woodchuck or a Groundhog or an Otter. Anyway, cool site.

But the real humdinger, the real winner, the coolest of the cool this weel has to be Library Thing. I'm a huge fan of arranging, or cataloging, of counting, of organizing. What a cool site to feed into that sort of lust - compiling all of your books - seeing what other people have in their libraries - to be frank, my favorite thing about MySpace has always been listing books and authors and artist and films and music that I like. I can't wait to delve a little deeping into it - seems like a really interesting way to keep track of your home library - and see what other people are reading.

On other note - a different note - a side note - a those-who-were-only-scanning-this-for-work-related-topics-and-you've-gone-to-far-here-there-be-dragons note - my Fringe show opened this week. Murder On West 18th. It's been a hard, strange, a-little-draining kind of a show to be in. Which is funny since I'm in it for about half an eye blink. Sarah (my girlfriend) and Bateman (my roommate) are the leads - they do a really good job. Our crowds have been decent - even though the show itself isn't very Fringe-y. It's a film noir type show. Bateman plays an Ex-G.I., Sarah plays a singer/femme fatale, another guy's a gangster, and I'm a detective (although I don't detect too much, really). I think what has made this Fringe kinda hard is that while we've all been doing Murder, we are also involved with doing these free, guerrila-style shows for Susan-Lori Parks' 365 Plays/365 Days. It seems like every minute of the week (and the last few weeks) is eaten up with Be Here, At This Time, Go Here, Run Fast, Stand Still, Move, Go, Stand, Speak, Loud, Louder, Stop. Usually, this little world, this little theatre world, this hobby world is my escape - my chance to...I don't know really...I'm not quite smart enough...I don't have the vocabulary to put it into words...to explain how much it...opens...for me. But since I am also in the middle of an unexpected, professional crisis...I don't feel like I can...give as much...can...leave as much blood on the alter, so to speak. And since I can't do that...I feel...limited...since I can't let go of all of these raw emotions...can't find a solid use for them...I can't seem to find the right way to redirect them...to utilize them. It's like being half-way through a door.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

If A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words....

...a Meez must be, like, a dissertation.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Hither And Yon

Checked out some of the sites on SEOmoz. Liked Lulu. Zoho. And Pandora.

OCLS on MySpace...next my Mom's gonna have one of those things.

The ToEat site was...{insert some diplomatic way of putting it here}...every time you touched the map to guide it towards a different street...I keep getting sent back to the Continental United States.

Try Sushi Hatsu on Washington, btw.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Wrapped In Plastic

There's such a buzz in my head - like a toy train that's been left running for too long. Tiny metal fragments melting to slag, to liquid. It's been hard to...muster. The day just feels a little too much like Little Bighorn or the last-dash-grab for a Cabbage Patch Kid. Outdated. Outmoded. Unfriendly. Throb-throb-throb. Beat-beat-beat.

There was something about the Web 2.0 video, wasn't there? Something kinda hopeful and helpful and rookie and shiny and enthused and powerful and special and slick and smart and maybe I'm just not quite in the mood to be blown away by it right now. It is really interesting. It does make you think - next year might as well be 100 years from now. Things move so fast. We are all so - connected - almost, probably, mostly, near-connected. Rethinking is the order of the day - that I can related to. Think and rethink and ponder and wonder and plan and scrap those plans and reshape and rebuild and dynamite past the cul-de-sacs.

A friend of mine was telling my about a friend of hers who is in grad school, a philosophy major, really into it. He wrote a paper about - I can't remember was the name of the concept was called - but it's the theory that people, humans, us -- we will always care more about the people closer to us than to people who are farther away. You care more about your family than your neighbors. You care more about your neighborhood than the one across town, or the one in another city, or state, or country. But - now - there's this...potential...that all of that kind of thinking - and my assumption, not knowing too much about this philosophy, is that that kind of thinking helped us develop strong ties that made us strong tribes and then cultures and cities and all of the rest of it. That kind of thinking may have to be...reworked, rewired in us. It might not be the most useful type of behavior for the next 100 years...or the next year.

I don't know what I'm talking about, I suppose. I feel like there's a layer of gauze between me and what I'm trying to say or...something.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Blunt Machete

Man - I want to love Bloglines...I want to sit across from it and bat my eyes and flirt and ask if it comes here often and if it's a Libra and if it enjoys long walks on the beach...but that site is a little clunky to navigate (which is the website equivalent of having bad breath)...I see the potential...I'm imagining what our kids will look like and where we will spend our summers...but the site (for me, anyway) was a little confusing and dense. I managed to sign up to a few feeds...but I'm not exactly thrilled about it...I don't know what I needed...something sleek and sexy and streamlined, maybe...something that made the whole process (which should be a fun process) feel a little more like an explosion of puppies and candy and IKEA furniture.

I guess I'll have to keep tweaking and jerking and punching and prodding at it until I get a better feel for it - because I do see the potential.

Grokker was more fun - and I'm a sucker for those flow charts and graphs that you can pull up, Map View. It was an OCD guilty pleasure.

Didn't get a chance to try the Yahoo Pipes...hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to check that out.

Well - I think that this week marks the end of my being able to really help out my co-workers with Learn 2.0...which makes me ever-so-slightly sad. I felt a little like the cock-of-the-walk...just because I knew about Blogger (even though in the back of my head I kinda knew my time was numbered)

This past weekend I was in New York (Bronxville, mostly, near Sarah Lawrence College) but I had the chance to go into the city on Sunday and it was just...it ruled. Hung out in the East Village, then when up to Central Park....it was just...I don't know, really amazing. Only the second time I've ever been - funny to think of all those people running around all the time...and you're down here.

I don't know - I'm getting a little too misty and navel-gaze-y for a public work related blog.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My Dad Once Thought He Saw A Dog Made Of Pink And Blue Cellophane

Of course, that was after he had heart surgery - so I'm pretty sure it wasn't really there.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I put up a few new links on this site. I like the new quick-clean-easy way that blogger has set up. You really use to have to get your hands dirty with HTML in order to put up some links - not that that isn't fun, it's just not my strongest suit.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Here's a pretty neat blog I found looking on Technorati (a site I'd never looked at before)


I'm My Own Grandpa, Google-Style.

It was funny to read about people getting into trouble over the content of their blogs. I know plenty of people who have stopped writing in their blogs because of work related issues. I guess you always have to keep that in the back of your head. As much as you'd like for it to be - this isn't a journal that you can keep under your bed. You post it - it's out there. And as much as it annoys me - the idea of an employer typing your name into Google before hiring you or promoting you or whatever...lucky for me when I typed my own name into Google I just got a bunch of reviews from some of the shows I've done (Rocky Horror, Oedipus, Orlando Vigilante, Ubu Roi)...oh, and, it looks like somebody was doing some genealogy work and a 'Joshua Geoghagan' married a 'Catherine Balkum'...oh, man, wouldn't it be extra-super-crazy if I was sucked into a wormhole-Einsten-Rosen-Bridge-Delorean and ended up back in the 1890s or so...(that's when my little branch of the Geoghagan tree came over)...and DID end up marrying a Catherine Balkum!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

First Post

Not too much to report yet - but I am looking forward to diving into Learn 2.0.

(Why do all first journal/diary/blog entries always sound so fake-y and lame??)