Tuesday, April 17, 2007

First Post

Not too much to report yet - but I am looking forward to diving into Learn 2.0.

(Why do all first journal/diary/blog entries always sound so fake-y and lame??)


OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Nice to see you dusted the old sight off and freshened it up a little!

Since you finished most of week 2 already (nice!), your assignment is to go forth and help others succeed! There very well may be some lost sheep in your dept that will appreciate your help. You will need to register your blog next week, so don't skip that part.

Anonymous said...

Hello to the King of Blogs.

screamingamanda said...

You are the King Of the Blogs. I appreciate your help with creating my blog. I get lost in this technology stuff. Anyways, all hail the Blog King.